Musings about my first love - Technology !
Internet has been seen as an invention as significant as discovery of uses of fire. These inventions/discoveries change the entire path on which the future of not only humans but also of the earth. But then with every such discovery/invention is attached the front runners, the laggards and the ones who doesn’t want the new change at all or may desire to be in oblivion of it. Fate of internet has been no different.Web2.0 has brought in as much confusion as the benefits. It is changing the habits of the people without them knowing if that is a health practice or not. Recent studies have shown that more and more number of people have been discarding the newspapers as the source of news/info. People have started going to blogs and social bookmarking sites for the same. Its fast, it’s visually appealing, tangible, customized and interesting. But then there is what I call a ‘baggage attached’. When one decides to search for a news on such platforms, one is actually going to a mega mall of news to pick the things one likes. There will be many brands (read source) of the item (read story) wanted and one gets to choose various brands of same item, or maybe with different flavor – say spicy, Page 3, thriller etc. But what baggage that is contained is that you end up spending more time, looking at the variety, additional flavors. You may never be able to find the actual item you wanted and may end up buying/consuming the one that is flashy and catchy.
And not only habits it is also the understanding that is yet to mature. The older websites were ranked on the parameter of page views. You may see huge amount of money being pumped in various web2.0 startups. But in middle of this Web2.0 craze people are forgetting to check the feasibility of revenue. Page views won’t give a real picture of the success/ following of the website. Technologies like Ajax, Rich Media and widgets are making this parameter a loser.
The technologies today are trying to make the communication between server and communication low while making the change /page load on customer end minimal. All info requested is loaded on the page asynchronously and without letting user have to reload the entire page. So effectively there was a zero page load over here when user looks for additional information. Hence companies like AC Nielson have already started looking at other indicators like unique visitors, time spent on site per visit, no of clicks per visit etc as better metrics to drive the business goals.
As they say, shift happens!
Labels: Technology
posted by Jas @ 7:55 PM,
At 5/28/08, 7:20 AM,
Pilot-Pooja said...
"Internet has been seen as an invention as significant as discovery of uses of fire."
Interesting comparison Jas!
Web 2.0 is new to me, i got to search more on it, to appreciate your post better..
Will be back soon!!
At 5/28/08, 7:32 AM,
Bhrammi Manu Janardhanan said...
Shift is happening Jas, only thing is no body knows where it is shifting to. I guess it is like driving on icy road :)
As for my interest in presentation - I now realize a good content is rubbish/useless without good presentation. And it is also very important for career growth. So catching up on that.
This deck on Web2.0 may be of interest.
At 5/28/08, 7:42 AM,
Bhrammi Manu Janardhanan said...
Oops forgot the link. here it is
At 5/29/08, 10:27 PM,
Jas said...
Thanks Pooja! Abt the comparision i dint like comparing it with discovery of fire so pitted against discovering uses of fire!
Do read abt Web 2.0, more than anything its enhanced UI and apps
Anji, I agree to you buddy! i agree with u on presentation part
At 5/30/08, 6:15 AM,
Pilot-Pooja said...
Hey Jas, thanks a ton for this i surely know what web2.0 is...))
Agreed, it affects the time for other activities.. But the worst part is it badly affects our eyes, with eyes always digging on the screen!!
At 5/9/22, 3:14 AM,
Abhishek Singh said...
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